Do Consumers Want Help Matching Style & Color?

Did you know 67% of online shoppers aim to find inspiration while they browse? But, only 29% say shopping sites inspire them.1 This shows there’s a big gap in the online shopping experience, with many wanting more curated choices. These should suit their style and colors they like. McKinsey’s State of Fashion 2022 says we’re about to see a big change in what people wear. As we move past the pandemic, people are looking for clothes that match their new social lives.1

People are moving away from simple colors. They now want bright colors and daring patterns to freshen up their looks. They want fashion that’s made just for them. This need for personalized shopping is deep. McKinsey thinks brands can win big by meeting this desire. They could keep customers coming back and deeply connect with them.1

Key Takeaways

  • 67% of shoppers want to be inspired while they shop online, but only 29% are inspired.1
  • McKinsey’s report predicts a “wardrobe reboot” for consumers with new styles for new lives.1
  • People want more than simple colors; they seek out bright colors and bold designs.
  • By offering curated fashion, brands can keep customers loyal. It’s all about making shopping personal.1
  • Filling the gap in the online shopping experience can make customers happier and more involved.

Understanding the Demand for Curated Outfits

The pandemic changed how we think about our clothes. Now, people want curated outfits more than ever. This is because they’re going out and want to look good and feel comfortable. Gone are the days of only wearing sweatpants. People are now choosing outfits that are stylish for different types of events.

Why Consumers Seek Curated Outfits

People like curated shopping because it makes their lives easier. They get clothes that are just right for the things they do. Because of the pandemic, finding the right look has become super important. In the UK, shops with unique collections, like those in Brick Lane, show how popular this idea is2. For women, picking what to wear causes a lot of stress. Most would rather have a tailored set of clothes. It shows that choosing clothes carefully can really help make life simpler3.

asian hipster girl choosing clothes in shopping mall, boutique shopping concept

The Shift in Shopping Behavior Post-Pandemic

Fashion trends have moved away from just loungewear. Now, people are creating outfits for different events. This change has made the whole shopping experience more exciting. Sites like Depop highlight this, where you can find unique pieces2. In Japan, places like Osaka and Tokyo are also big on curated fashion. They have stores with big designer names. All of this shows how important it is to pick clothes that really fit you and your style3.

The Role of Style and Color in Fashion Inspiration

Style and color are key in driving fashion inspiration and trends. They also affect what consumers choose to wear. Discover how the latest colors, prints, and your unique style change the fashion world4.

The Impact of Trendy Colors and Prints

At New York Fashion Week, designers showcase vibrant colors and bold prints. These choices meet a growing need for fresh style. For example, red is loved for its boldness, while blue brings a sense of peace and professionalism5. Green represents balance, attracting those who love nature5.

Portrait of a young man in woollen cardigan in a studio. Copy space.

By using trendy colors and prints, fashion designers can influence how we feel. Bright colors bring happiness, and dark shades make us think5. This is how fashion stays interesting for us, using color and prints wisely.

How Style Influences Consumer Choices

What you like to wear shapes your identity and the latest trends. People get style ideas from social media and fashion icons6. Big life changes, like moving often, might also change what we wear4 to something that’s more practical and flexible.

To keep up with the latest fashion, many people read magazines and blogs6. Updating your wardrobe shows a new side of yourself thanks to the ever-changing world of fashion4.

Combining style and color creates engaging stories in the fashion world. These stories connect with our personal style, making them crucial in today’s fashion scene.

Challenges with Traditional Online Shopping Experience

The old way of shopping online has its troubles, making buyers feel distant. Big names in online sales, such as Amazon and eBay, have changed the game a lot. But sometimes shopping feels boring or lacking in direction.

Even with easy one-click buys and lots of reviews, the fun often falls short. Shoppers want more than just buying things. They want to feel engaged and understood.7

Lack of Inspiration in Current Ecommerce Platforms

Online shopping can be dull, with too many choices and not enough story. There’s a lot to look at, but why should we care? For finding new styles, places like Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube win out7, but making the actual purchase stays disconnected.

Woman holding digital tablet while checking price label of plaid shirt on second hand clothing store

Disconnection Between Browsing and Shopping Intent

The gap between looking and buying is a tricky issue. The quick-turn, trendy world of online shopping doesn’t always suit our needs or feelings. This makes shopping online less fun and not so motivating.

New tech could hold the answer, making things more personal and helpful. With stuff like AI and AR, shopping might get better by meeting our needs more closely.18

The Appeal of Personalized Shopping Experiences

Personalized shopping has become vital in fashion retail. Consumers want more than just buying things. They look for brands offering items that fit their lives and tastes. This change means retailers have shifted from offering the same items to everyone to focusing on unique stories for each buyer.

According to studies, 75% of shoppers like to see ads that speak directly to them9. This personal touch is making leading brands successful, with a 17% increase in sales. This is much better than companies not focusing on personalization, who only see a 3% growth9. Also, these brands get more loyal customers who spend 10-20% more9.

Woman holding paper bags while shopping

Another reason personalized fashion is key is that 68% of customers won’t go back if they’ve had a bad experience10. Shockingly, only 16% of stores are seen as doing well in this area, customizing most of the shopping journey10. This gap shows the strong need for personal and unique shopping experiences. Ones that really hit the mark with what customers want.

More than half of site visits come from phones now. So, it’s even more important to offer mobile-friendly experiences9. For instance, Amazon lets customers choose clothes based on their style. They can try clothes for a week and return what they don’t like. This has made buying online a lot better for many people9.

Personalized shopping is here to stay. It’s not just a fad but a key way to keep customers happy for the long run. As shoppers get pickier, focusing on their specific tastes and needs will be crucial for success. It will lead to new and better ways for fashion stores to stand out.

How Curated Outfits Enhance Brand Loyalty

Curated outfits boost brand loyalty by creating strong emotional ties with shoppers. They turn shopping into a tale about their life, not just buying clothes. When brands help customers dress for special moments, they become friends in a fashion sense. This friendship, based on empathy and understanding, keeps customers coming back over time.

Creating Emotional Connections Through Fashion

Finding inspiration while shopping online increases brand loyalty. It’s surprising that though many shoppers want to be inspired, only a few sites manage it1. When brands match outfits to life stories and needs, shoppers emotionally connect. This not only makes people stick with the brand but also increases how long they stay happy with it.

Turning Transactions Into Memorable Experiences

Customizing marketing to fit personal events can hugely improve the shopping experience1. Stitch Fix uses AI to suggest styles that match personal tastes through quizzes11. This turns shopping into something fun and special because it feels tailor-made. Video ads and streaming TV with Twitch attracted a lot of new customers. This proves the power of custom interactions in making shopping unforgettable and enjoyable.

smiling young woman choosing clothes and looking at stylish man in boutique

Creating unique shopping moments can also increase sales by a lot. For example, Amyra’s WebEngage technology boosted sales by five times11. Another brand got way more people buying after using smart marketing tactics11. These success stories show how personalized strategies and special outfits can make shopping not just something to do but something to cherish.

Leveraging AI for Curated Outfits

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is changing the fashion world. It’s opening new doors for AI-driven fashion ideas. A study by Statista predicts the AI fashion market will hit $9.2 billion by 2025, showing people want AI in their fashion choices12. With AI, fashion brands can give shoppers very personalized experiences that match what they love.

AI-Powered Product Intelligence

AI is making it easier for brands to understand what their customers want. Using data from what customers like and buy, AI suggests clothes that really fit their style12.

Companies like Stitch Fix analyze tons of data with AI to make shopping more personal for everyone. For example, they use OpenAI’s GPT-3 to write better product descriptions quickly13. This means fashion advice is always fresh and right for each person.

Matching Lifestyle Concepts with Consumer Needs

AI shines when it comes to merging fashion with individual lifestyles. It checks out what you like on social media or the latest runway styles to give you the newest fashion advice12. Stitch Fix’s Outfit Creation Model (OCM) shows how AI suggests outfits tailored to each person, creating a stronger connection with customers13.

AI chatbots make shopping even more fun by giving customized style tips and product suggestions12. As shoppers look for unique feel, these AI fashion helpers are key. They don’t just make shopping easier; they also offer experiences that keep customers coming back, boosting the brand’s success.

Consumers’ Desire for Inspiration While Shopping

In today’s online fashion world, looking for inspiration is key. A 2022 McKinsey report shows 67% of online shoppers want inspiration but don’t often find it on fashion websites. This challenge can hurt a brand’s chance to keep customers coming back1.

Stores need to come up with new ways to inspire people. Adding lifestyle-matching suggestions can make shopping more exciting. It helps customers dream big on their shopping trips1.

For Gen Z, social media is a big spot for finding style ideas. About 77% of them check social media for fashion tips every month. Videos on YouTube, TikTok, and posts on Instagram are great for discovering new brands and ideas14

Moreover, Gen Z loves to see what others think before buying, with 40% looking for influencer reviews. This shows brands need to work with influencers to make content that inspires dream shopping trips14.

  1. Using AI to recommend products that fit what customers really need can help brands improve1.
  2. Telling stories that touch the heart can make people really stick with a brand1.
  3. Connecting with social media stars is crucial to winning over Gen Z14.

In the end, mixing new tech with a good understanding of what shoppers want brings a better way to shop online. It makes shopping fun, personal, and full of dreams.

Building a Sustainable Wardrobe with Curated Outfits

Curated outfits are changing how we look at fashion. They encourage choosing clothes wisely. This leads to an eco-friendly closet. The key is to buy less but choose well. By doing so, we cut down on negative effects on the planet15.

We’re also learning to value craftsmanship and durability in clothes. This fights the throwaway culture fast fashion often creates16.

Adopting Mindful Shopping Habits

Mindful shopping is all about knowing what each piece adds to your wardrobe. Start seeing clothes as a reflection of your style and values. This is better than mindless buying16.

Choosing clothes made from natural materials like wool and cotton is a smart move. It’s good for both you and the planet15.

Reducing Environmental Impact Through Fashion Choices

Fashion leaves a big carbon footprint and uses lots of water. It’s responsible for 10% of the world’s carbon emissions17. But, choosing sustainable fashion helps. Opting for clothes dyed with plants, not chemicals, is one way. This choice is eco-friendly15.

Fixing clothes when they’re damaged also helps. It extends their life and cuts down on waste. This is a healthy way to shop15.

Lyst, a big fashion search engine, says more people are looking for sustainable fashion. Searches using these keywords went up 37% since 202017. This shows a growing interest in protecting the environment. It’s because many inexpensive fashion items get thrown away, causing serious harm17.

Defining Personal Style to Navigate Fashion Trends

Finding your personal style takes time. It’s about trying different things and seeing what you really like18. Pinterest and other sites can be great for finding things that inspire you. They show you lots of pictures, helping you see what you like the most18. It’s important to try new things to figure out what fits with your personality in fashion18.

Know your body shape. Clothes can look great on all kinds of figures, including those who are small, curvy, or tall19. Choose your clothes carefully. Quality matters more than quantity when building your wardrobe19. Try to buy clothes that you can match with many different outfits. Also, making a list of what you need before shopping stops you from buying things you don’t really love18

Look up to people who inspire you. Copying some of their styles with what you own can give you new ideas about your fashion style18. Fashion is supposed to be fun. Trying new things and trends leads to finding what you really enjoy wearing18. Being confident in what you wear is key. When you feel good in your clothes, people notice19.

Keep your closet clean and organized. Get rid of clothes that don’t fit or are out of season. This helps you have a wardrobe that matches your style and is easy to choose from18. Check your clothes from time to time. Make sure they still fit with the style you want. Changing how clothes fit can make them just right for you, making your style even more unique18.

Try the “three-word method”. Pick three words that describe your style. This helps you focus on what you really like, making shopping easier18. By being picky with your clothes, you can make sure they truly show your style. This means you’ll pick trends that match your unique taste better.

The Social Aspect of Dressing and Its Impact on Clothing Choices

Fashion is a huge way to show who you are and connect with others. It’s about what we like and what’s trending. The internet and social media really sped up how trends spread, making styles change often and vary widely20.

Fashion as a Form of Self-Expression

Fashion lets people tell their stories and share their feelings. What you wear can actually change how you think and feel about yourself. This is known as “Enclothed cognition.” For example, dressing up can make you feel stronger and more confident21.

Plus, the colors in our clothes can affect our mood. Bright colors might make us feel more alive, while dark colors can help us relax21.

Connecting with Society Through Style

When we dress, we’re not just dressing for ourselves. We’re trying to fit in with our groups and communities. Social media has a big part in this, since it loves to show off what’s popular. Influencers often start new trends with their posts20.

Nowadays, digital platforms are more important for fashion than magazines. They’re where most people get their style information20.

The comeback of 2000s styles shows how online content affects our choices. It’s not just about what’s in fashion. It’s about feeling like you belong to a certain group. This can actually make you feel better and happier21.

Consumer Insights on Curated Fashion Services

Listening to what consumers say is key to understanding curated fashion services. Companies like Stitch Fix make outfits just for you after a style quiz. This shows how important personalized fashion advice is22. Nuuly, a service, lets you rent six pieces for $88 a month, proving subscriptions can work well22.

By 2030, 80% of shoppers will want a personalized shopping experience. This is a big deal for the future of shopping23. Also, 67% think it’s cool when different brands team up to make their shopping better. It shows how working together can give customers a better time.

Nordstrom’s Trunk Club and Rent the Runway improve what they offer using feedback from millions. They and services like them change what they offer to match what we like more. They look for what’s popular, well-liked, and give good details about the items22.

Making sure orders and items are in the right place is very important for these services. Doing well in how they handle online and in-store shopping together is key22. It’s all about making shopping easy and fun for us.

A lot of people are into getting personal shopping tips from others they trust. This finding can make shopping in person even better23. It really shows how much these new ways of shopping can change our experience.


The desire for personalized fashion is growing. People want clothes that suit their unique styles and events. They look for shopping experiences that make choosing easier. This is true for any occasion, from a simple brunch to a fancy party. Many see the value of adding trendy details to their outfits, something personalized services do well.24. Using tools like vision boards and choosing a signature color can lead to a wardrobe that fits you perfectly25.

Personalized fashion’s future is bright with inspiring online shopping and a focus on the planet. By picking items carefully and thinking about their effects, people are building wardrobes that last through time with a small number of versatile pieces26. This change means moving past buying on a whim. Instead, the goal is to make smart choices that are also stylish. Curated services offer great advice, boosting how good people feel about their looks24.

Brands are also stepping up, using AI and green methods to stay current. They aim to provide personalized experiences that truly understand their customers’ fashion needs25. This unique matchmaking means more than just making a sale. It sparks a deeper connection with shoppers, making fashion shopping both memorable and meaningful. With thoughtful picking, brands are turning the typical shopping trip into something special, ensuring they stand out in today’s market.


Do Consumers Want Curated Outfits to Help Match Style & Color?

Yes, shoppers today want help with color coordination and matching styles. This is even more true as they refresh their closets after the pandemic.

Why Do Consumers Seek Curated Outfits?

Many consumers look for curated outfits for the ease they bring. They love how it caters to their style, events in their life, and what inspires their fashion.

What is the Shift in Shopping Behavior Post-Pandemic?

After the pandemic, people are changing their style. They are moving from basics to more lively colors and prints for gatherings.

How Do Trendy Colors and Prints Impact Fashion Inspiration?

Latest colors and prints are big in inspiring new fashion. They show what’s in right now and affect what people choose to wear.

How Does Style Influence Consumer Choices?

Style has a big say in what people buy. It helps shape their look and match their fashion with what they love and want to show.

What are the Challenges with Traditional Online Shopping Experiences?

Online shopping as usual can lack that spark. It often misses the mark in finding products that really speak to you and your style.

Why is There a Lack of Inspiration in Current Ecommerce Platforms?

Today’s online shops often miss the mark because of how they show products. They lack the touch of creativity and ideas that many shoppers want.

How Does the Disconnection Between Browsing and Shopping Intent Affect the Experience?

This disconnection makes looking through products less fun and motivating. It can make people less likely to come back if they don’t find what truly inspires them.

What Makes Personalized Shopping Experiences Appealing?

Personalized shopping makes you feel understood. It connects your personal style and life with what you wear, building a stronger bond with the brand.

How Do Curated Outfits Enhance Brand Loyalty?

Curated outfits make shopping more about emotions than just buying. They turn the process into memorable moments that echo your style and life events.

How Does AI-Powered Product Intelligence Work?

AI uses smart tech to find you the perfect items. It looks at what you love and need, making every outfit it suggests just right for you.

How Does AI Match Lifestyle Concepts with Consumer Needs?

AI matches your lifestyle with what you need. By considering what you do and what you like, it finds the perfect items that fit just right with you.

Why Do Consumers Desire Inspiration While Shopping?

Shoppers want to be inspired. It makes their shopping more creative and fulfilling, aligning what they wear with their dreams and visions.

How Does the Curated Outfit Model Promote Sustainability?

Getting quality over quantity means shopping wisely. This approach helps the planet by reducing the overproduction of clothes.

How Do Mindful Shopping Habits Reduce Environmental Impact?

Mindful shopping is all about choosing green and lasting fashion. It lessens the need for faster, less eco-friendly options, helping save the Earth.

Why is Defining Personal Style Important in Fashion?

Knowing your style lets you stay true to yourself in a world of changing trends. It helps you choose clothes that reflect who you are, staying unique.

How Does Fashion Serve as a Form of Self-Expression?

Fashion lets you tell your story without words. It’s how you show the world who you are, sharing your personality through what you wear.

How Does Style Connect Individuals with Society?

Your style is like a mirror that reflects wider culture. It bridges your personal identity with what’s happening in the world, starting conversations about it.

What Insights are Gained from Consumer Feedback on Curated Fashion Services?

Listening to what consumers say helps us understand how well curated fashion meets their needs. It shows us how it makes shopping simpler, more personal, and just right for them.

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